Symposium Program

The symposium is planned as a one-day event with a big educational and informative core along with field specific science sharing sessions where researchers can share their findings with peers and high-level professionals.

Starting time Ending time Speaker
Registration and Coffee 8:009:00
General Symposium (Session 1)Opening Word and Intro 9:009:15Prof. Dr. Hani Harb
Importance of Arabic Scientists in the German academic System9:159:35AGAYA representative
Funding possibilities in Germany 1 9:359:55DAAD representative
Funding possibilities in Germany 29:5510:15DFG representative
Mentorship in science 10:1510:30Dr. Yamen Al Salka
Coffee Break10:3010:45
Field Specific Symposium / 3 different lecture rooms/
Room1: Medical and Life Sciences Symposium (10:45 – 13:00)Keynote speaker10:4511:20Prof. Dr. Rami Abu Jamra
Presentation/ flash talk of selected abstracts11:2013:00Various Researchers
Room 2: Engineering Symposium (10:45 – 13:00)Keynote speaker10:4511:20Prof. Dr. Rand Kouatly
Presentation/ flash talk of selected abstracts11:2013:00Various Researchers
Room 3: Humanities Symposium (10:45 – 13:00)Keynote speaker10:4511:20Prof. Dr. Paul Hoyningen-Huene
Presentation/ flash talk of selected abstracts11:2013:00Various Researchers
Lunch Break13:0014:00
General Symposium (Session 2)Women in Science: Challenges and Opportunities14:0014:30Dr. Ellen Hilal
Diversity in Science14:3015:00Prof. Dr. Annika Schach
Round Table (Diaspora Arabic Researchers and Organizations)15:0016:30
General Symposium (Session 3)AI Tools and Science16:3017:00Prof. Dr. Shadi Albarqouni
Big Data Science: Current Situation and Future Perspective17:0017:30Dr. Zeyd Boukhers
Closing remarks and prize DistributionPrize Distribution17:3017:45Prof. Dr. Bassam Janji
Concluding Remarks and Acknowledgment17:4518:00Ms. Razan Hessenow & Prof. Dr. Hani Harb
Symposium Dinner18:3021:30