The German-Syrian Research Society (DSFG)

Workshops, Seminars and courses

One of the most important projects for the DSFG is workshops, seminars and courses. These different offers range from preliminary and amateur levels to expert levels. They target the researchers and students both in Germany and the MENA region and they vary in their purpose and importance.

  1. Amateur Level workshops and courses:

These courses and workshops tend to deliver first-line information for researchers and students about studies and research in Germany. They are informative and interactive. The students and researchers can interact with the coaches and experts and ask questions or give notes so they get the most appropriate answer. Furthermore, these courses and workshop can serve the goal to give primary knowledge about different subjects and specific research areas. These workshops and courses are usually free of charge.

  1. Standard Level workshops and courses:

The courses and workshops in this level serve the purpose to deliver knowledge about a specific subject in details, or to explain a research method or a research area in depth. Usually, at the end of these courses a certificate of attendance will be given signed by DSFG and the host university. Here a small amount of money will be charged (DSFG members will have 50% off the charge. To be a DSFG member please click here).

  1. Expert Level workshops and courses:

The courses and workshops in this level will deliver state-of-the-art technology knowledge for PhD students and postdoctoral fellows who wish to extend their knowledge and expertise in a specific research method or research area which can be helpful in their career path later in life. At the end of these courses a certificate of attendance or a specific certificate (after passing an exam) will be given signed by DSFG and the host university. Here a small amount of money will

be charged (DSFG members will have 50% off the charge. To be a DSFG member please click here).

  1. Seminars:

The monthly seminars that will be held in different German cities will be of various topics. They will deliver new research topics in different subjects. Seminars are free of charge.


Nov 11 2022


8:00 am - 6:00 pm
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