Summary of “How to Write CV and Cover Letter” workshop
The German-Syrian Research Society held its first workshop in broadcast live on its YouTube channel, in a collaboration with Look In MENA platform, on how to write a CV and a cover letter. The audience reached about 250 followers by the end of the broadcast.
The lecturer was the Professor in immunology and infectious diseases Hani Harb, TU Dresden, Germany.
The workshop was, How to build CV and cover letter:
The workshop included the discussion of:
1- The correct form and design for the CV.
2- What to include in the CV and what not to include.
3- Differences between types of CV’s (academic / industrial).
4- Cover letter definition and goals.
5- Different kinds of letters and how to write them (letter of inquiry, letter of interest).
6- How to leave good impression.
7- Discussion and FAQ.
To watch the recorded workshop on our YouTube channel, please click here: