The German-Syrian Research Society (DSFG)

Syrian Women’s Academic Network (SWAN)

It is an academic social network consisting of Syrian female researchers from diverse disciplines and at different levels in academia. They seek to together connect, meet and talk, so that they can share information, support each other, and help when needed.

The basic aim is working together to build a cooperative and constructive Syrian feminine alliance that facilitates the input from multiple stakeholders and enables the exchange of practices and experiences in order to empower Syrian women and the Syrian academic community.

SWAN Goals

  • To assemble the Syrian female researchers who are from diverse disciplines and at different levels in academia in order to connect, meet and talk 
  • To share information about the academic field across a diverse range of universities and institutions 
  • To exchange ideas, experiences, and practices and increase accessibility to key information in academia 
  • To discuss not only collective but also individual challenges, problems and threats in academia
  • To talk over our weaknesses and critical topics in our mother language to make them more discussable and solvable  
  • To speak out on motherhood barriers and mothers’ responsibilities, moreover, to shed light on the issue of “work-life balance”
  • To raise awareness about the role of women in science and close the gender inequality gap in the contemporary male-oriented academia 
  • To puzzle out our strengths and opportunities to support the Syrian academic community, especially the researchers in Syria (Monitoring Program: become a mentor or become a mentee)


Dear eager fellow lady scholars, 

Together we can make our soft, yet determined and strong voices overheard worldwide.

Would you be interested to join SWAN? then sign up here to become an active PEN (network member) and join our PENs Jour Fixe meetings.

If you are wondering, how can you benefit from our activities, send us an email with your inquiries to

In addition to our regular exchange with the network members, you will get the chance to meet with the inspiring Syrian Odette, by joining our upcoming Meet Odette event.

With the exchanged ideas and challenges, solutions will be offered and you will find the empowerment and strength to pursue your scientific and academic goals with steady and subtle steps. Join us and let’s us get to know the next Syrian Odette!