The German-Syrian Research Society (DSFG)

On the 13th of January, Dr. Hani Harb, Ms. Areej Abdin and Mr. Nader Ghanem from the German-Syrian Research Society (DSFG e.V.) met with Mr. Markus Kressler Founder & Head of Corporate Relations at KIRON and Mr. Ehab Badawi, a consultant and Project Manager at KIRON. In this meeting both sides have explored the different ways to initiate a joint collaboration work together. Different topics were discussed and explored:

  1. The foundation of a trust fund to support Syrian students with scholarships.
  2. The development of a mentoring platform, where KIRON will be building the platform with the help and vision of DSFG e.V. The DSFG e.V. will be the test model for the initiation of the platform where DSFG e.V. expressed their willingness to provide mentoring to KIRON students through the pool of mentees the DSFG e.V. have.
  3. Joint webinars/seminars to provide more knowledge for KIRON students about the educational system in Germany.

Both parties expressed their willingness to work together and more meetings will follow to find the proper ways to establish this cooperation