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Donation Total: €100,00

DSFG 2020 in Nutshell

It was a tough year over us all. We had to cancel many projects, lectures and workshops due to the Covid-19 outbreak. However, encouraged by your support, we were able to establish various projects and achieve several achievements that we like to summarize to you:

  • “How to read a scientific paper” workshop.
    February 2020 in Leipzig, Germany.
  • “How to read a scientific paper” workshop.
    Online, June 2020.
  • “How to apply for German universities, how to write your CV and the academic motivation letter” workshop.
    Online, August 2020.
  • “Medical information resources” workshop.
    Online, August 2020.
  • “Studying Computer engineering, electronics and communications engineering and applied computer sciences” workshop.
    Online, December 2020.

Besides, many Covid-19 awareness infographics and information were published together with several articles that aimed to spread the knowledge about the scientific research and helping students to follow their studies and start the journey of the scientific research in Germany.

We hope you and your loved ones to stay healthy and catch up your dreams this year.


  • For donation and supporting our work:

Deutsch-Syrische Foschungsgesellschaft e.V.

IBAN: DE49508501500000772160


Bank: Sparkasse Darmstadt

  • To be a member/volunteer in our society, please contact: info@ds-fg.de
  • To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please click on subscribe button on www.ds-fg.com
  • For all our news, projects and workshops please follow us on our social media platforms:

Facebook: DSFG (@deusyrforgesell)
Linkedin: German – Syrian Research Society
Instagram: DSFG (@deut_syr_forschung)


Jan 01 2020 - Dec 31 2022


8:00 am - 6:00 pm
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