The German-Syrian Research Society (DSFG)


On the 9th of February 2021 the 2nd General Assembly meeting for the German-Syrian Research Society e.V. (DSFG e.V.) was held via zoom for the election of the new board members. For the different positions, the following candidates were presented:


For presidency, Dr. Hani Harb to replace Dr. Hasan Tawamie

For vice-presidency, Dr. Majd Jano to replace Ing. Khaled Al Hayek who will take over the IT and development team at the society.

For treasure, Mr. Ahmad Helal Eddin to replace Dr. Hani Harb

For the 2 remaining seats, there were three candidates, Ms. Areej Abdin (occupant), Mr. Shadi Hambo the team leader of social media, and Mr. Mustafa Karahamad, one of the founders of the Academic Empowerment Scholarship initiative.


The meeting was opened by Dr. Hasan Tawamie who presented the different goals and achievement of the DSFG e.V. during the 2019 and 2020. He focused on the pandemic year and how resilient the DSFG e.V. was throughout that year. Afterwards, the presentation of the different candidates took place followed by the secret voting. 82% of the DSFG e.V. members casted their votes. Dr. Harb, Dr. Jano and Mr. Helal Eddin were voted unanimously. For the two remaining seats, the votes were as follows:

Mr. shadi Hambo 31% of votes

Mr. Mustafa Karahamad 29% of votes

Ms. Areej Abdin 28% of votes.


Each DSFG e.V. member had 2 votes to cast.


The new board took over the meeting and presented their 2021-2022 plans focusing on the webinars, seminars for the researchers an students as well as on focusing on the Academic Empowerment Scholarship to be launched ending 2021.


Feb 02 - 03 2021


8:00 am - 6:00 pm
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